Monica Richards Monica Richards - Gaia

There seems to be no escape from our difficulties until the industrial system breaks down for some reason or another, and Nature reasserts herself with grass and trees among the ruins. But the longer her hour is postponed, and therefore the more exhausted by man's irreligious improvidence the natural resources of the soil and sea become, the less merciful will she be. - Robert Graves, 1948

If we turn from Life, we have only Death.
From the minute we humans started building fires to cook our food, we have been aware
that we must revere the source of our lives and all life on this planet.
And we have named that source "Mother of Life".
She is kind, sometimes cruel, always indifferent to sacrifice except for those who came in their time -
fertility rites, the celebration of birth, of the new year, thanks for the harvest.
But she is capricious and aloof.
Her manifestations: Serene, Ferocious, Willful, Cruel, Wise, Lustful, Mysterious,
Wanton, Loyal, Scheming, Jealous, Cool, Greedy, Dreaming.
She responds to arrogance by withholding her favors and sometimes by destruction.
Her weapons are overwhelming, myriad, awesome: Winds, Water, Lightning, Fire, Ice, Heat, Earthquake and Tidalwave.
If we worship and revere male gods, we ignore Gaia's ultimate power over us.
Turn from the Goddess of Life, and there is only Death.
Turn form the Mother of Life, and there is only Death.